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Customer Reviews

REVIEW Mountain Valley Fitness & Health!

You know the phrase: “Everybody’s a critic.” But we’re lucky OUR fans have so many KIND and INSPIRATIONAL things to say about our facility!

Want to SHARE *YOUR* STORY and motivate others to get moving? Just pick your favorite review site below—and tell folks why we’re your fitness facility of choice.

[Hint: Specific examples of how Mountain Valley Fitness & Health has helped you achieve wellness goals.]

DIRECTIONS: Pick a site. Submit a review. It’s that simple!

NOTE: You may need to create accounts on some review sites in order to submit.

Please only submit to one review site. (Their rules, not ours.) Thank you!


More Customer Reviews:

“I made a decision earlier this year that I was going to change my life, so far with the help of a personal trainer and the support of the staff at Mountain Valley Fitness and Health, I have done just that.” -N.H.

“I love to come to MVFH because the atmosphere is professional, it is clean, and you are constantly seeing positive, upbeat people.” -P.M.

“I’m already starting to see results: my attitude, my appearance, and the way my clothes fit. MVFH has definitely been a positive experience for me.” -P.M.

“I like the atmosphere and personal caring staff at Mountain Valley and have had an excellent experience helping me stay motivated. Thank you all!” -E.S.

“Since starting my program, I have gained strength, endurance, confidence, and mostly discipline that has spilled over into other areas of my life.” -T.B.

“From day one, this health club has been a positive experience.” -K.W.

“Mountain Valley Fitness and Health is the best place in La Grande!” -M.G.

“Super equipment and workout atmosphere.” -M.G.

“I feel stronger!” -S.A.